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What Are Personality Disorders?

personality disorders, what are personality disorders, diagnosing personality disorders

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One question you’ll often hear people ask is are personality disorders true mental illnesses. Personality disorders are a broad set of mental health disorders, and they’re often misunderstood even by the people who struggle with them. Personality disorders have wide-reaching effects on a person’s life, relationships and functionality. They are treatable.

Are Personality Disorders True Mental Illnesses?

Before looking at whether or not personality disorders are true mental illnesses, what are they?

There are 10 personality disorders. Characterized by long-term thought patterns and behaviors viewed as rigid and inflexible, personality disorders can make it difficult for a person at work, and in relationships. Someone with a personality disorder may find dealing with normal, everyday stress is a significant challenge. Relationships with others can be rocky and volatile.

With the 10 diagnosable personality disorders, symptoms are different for each. Personality disorders can be diagnosed as mild or severe, and it’s difficult for someone with a personality disorder to recognize a problem exists. They will often blame others for situations and problems in their life.

What Are the Personality Disorders?

Before answering the question are personality disorders true mental illnesses, it’s helpful to have some general background on these disorders. Personality disorders are grouped into three categories or clusters. These are cluster A, B and C personality disorders.

Cluster A Personality Disorders

Custer A personality disorders are defined primarily by odd or eccentric thinking and behavior. Cluster A personality disorders are:

Cluster B Personality Disorders

The primary characteristics of cluster B personality disorders are overly emotional responses or responses that are dramatic and unpredictable. Specific cluster B personality disorders are:

Cluster C Personality Disorders

Cluster C personality disorders tend to be defined by anxious behaviors or a sense of fearful thinking. Cluster C personality disorders are:

Personality Orders are a Mental Illness

After exploring the types of personality disorders, back to the original question—are personality disorders true mental illnesses? The answer is yes.

One reason people wonder if personality disorders are true mental illnesses is because they may not cause the person dealing with them distress. Significant distress is a defining characteristic of most mental health disorders. It’s something that’s used as a diagnostic criteria for mental health disorders such as anxiety, depression and bipolar. Most people with mental health disorders can easily identify their symptoms and they can indicate why these symptoms are problematic for them.

For example, if someone has anxiety they may know their fears are unwarranted, but they can’t control them. That creates identifiable distress.

With personality disorders, this may not be the case. Someone with a personality disorder may not realize they have any problem, or even that they’re experiencing problems in their lives. They may believe nothing is wrong, or if they do think something is wrong, they may believe it’s other people’s fault.

The symptoms of a personality disorder may not cause the person experiencing them any distress, yet the people around them may experience extreme distress. This is why health care providers often want to speak with the family and people close to someone with a possible personality disorder. This can be an important part of diagnosing one of these disorders.

Even so, yes a personality disorder is classified as a true mental illness. As such, personality disorders are not necessarily curable, but are treatable usually with a combination of psychotherapy and medication.


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