My Addiction Info

Relapse Prevention

Relapse Prevention Strategies

Triumphing over addiction is a praiseworthy success that should never be diminished. However, some make the error of considering their initial defeat of the disease to be the end of their struggles. In actuality, the battle is never finished, and the disease is never exterminated. The possibility of addiction returning in the form a relapse is always there.

A relapse is what happens when someone who has gone through rehabilitation and has recovered from addiction to the point of maintained sobriety returns to continued substance abuse. A relapse is not a single occurrence; it’s is a return to behavior cycles that were previously overcome.

While relapse is an undeniable setback, it should not be considered a failure of treatment or recovery. Due to the physical changes caused by addiction, relapse should be considered a return of symptoms much like a cancerous tumor. Relapses are common among addicts.

It can be very hard to prevent a relapse. To do so, you must take a realistic and strategic approach. There are prevention strategies available to avoid relapsing. However, you must set expectations, be familiar with the nature of relapses, and have a plan in case relapses do occur.

Triggers to Avoid

The first strategy for relapse prevention is avoiding situations that could trigger a relapse. While there are many situations with the potential to cause a relapse, common triggers to avoid include the following:

Relapse Treatment Strategies

If relapse does occur, it is important that it is treated immediately and appropriately. Relapse treatment must be approached differently than relapse prevention programs. Relapse treatment programs look to further address the root of addiction. They are the best strategy to treat a relapse. Common relapse treatments include programs that:

Strategies to Prevent Future Relapses

After the initial relapse, you should be more equipped to prevent future relapses. With that being said, you must accept that your relapse was a normal occurrence among former addicts and not a massive failure. After doing so, you can embrace your sobriety and prevent future relapse by:

Strategy Four: Remain in Therapy: After a relapse, it is of the utmost importance to stay in therapy. This is especially true if you were not in engaging in therapy at the time of the relapse. Therapy will help you deal with triggers in a manageable way.

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