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Signs and Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

symptoms of alcohol abuse, diagnosing alcohol abuse

Image Source: Pixabay

What Is Considered Alcohol Abuse?

Alcohol abuse is a common condition with more than three million cases diagnosed in the U.S. every year. Treatment can help significantly, but the condition is chronic, so it cannot be cured. While alcohol abuse doesn’t mean there is a dependency on the alcohol, there is a still serious drinking problem.

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There are identifiable symptoms that could indicate alcohol abuse, and the individual who abuses alcohol might find themselves in dangerous situations.

There are several effective treatment options for alcohol abuse. On the other hand, just because you drink, it doesn’t mean you suffer from alcohol abuse. Alcohol abuse is a pattern of drinking too much alcohol too frequently and it is a serious problem.

When Are You Abusing Alcohol?

If you find that you’re drinking too much and doing so too often, you are abusing alcohol. It can be drinking too much alcohol at once or too frequently throughout the week.

If you can’t stop drinking and your relationships are suffering, then you have a drinking problem. It can have an impact on your relationships, your career, and other aspects of your life.

Drinking too much can lead to a physical dependency on alcohol. Too much alcohol consumption at once can lead to alcohol poisoning, which can be fatal. Regularly abusing alcohol can lead to dependency and alcoholism.

What Classifies As Alcohol Abuse?

One alcoholic drink is defined as one 12-ounce bottle of beer, one five-ounce glass of wine, or 1.5 ounces of 80-proof spirits, such as tequila, moonshine, whiskey, or rum. When are you abusing alcohol?

Drinking this much alcohol can have many negative effects. It can be damaging to your health, relationships, work, and/or causes legal issues, such as public drunkenness or DUI charges.

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Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse

There are many symptoms of alcohol abuse. If you have these symptoms, you should seek medical treatment. You might suffer from some or all these symptoms.

There are several health issues that can result from alcohol consumption. It can lead to a liver disease called cirrhosis. Alcohol is a leading cause of injuries and deaths because of accidents that result. If alcohol is consumed during pregnancy, it can damage the baby’s health. It can irritate the lining of your stomach and lead to bleeding ulcers.

There are many reasons that people abuse alcohol, including the desire to relax, social pressure, or as a coping mechanism for tension, loneliness, depression, anxiety, or unhappiness. Sometimes alcohol disorders run in the family history.

How Is Alcohol Abuse Diagnosed?

Often, those who are abusing alcohol will be told by family or friends that they have a problem. A physician will believe an individual is abusing alcohol when:

Can Alcohol Abuse Be Avoided or Prevented?

If your family history includes alcoholism or alcohol abuse, you might find resisting or limiting alcohol intake more challenging. There are ways to reduce alcohol consumption:

Your doctor might screen you for alcohol abuse. There are treatment options available.

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