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What Are Cluster C Personality Disorders?

Personality disorders are difficult to deal with, whether you have one personally or you love and care about someone with a personality disorder.

Personality disorders are grouped into three categories, also called “clusters.” These are Cluster A, Cluster B and Cluster C.

So what are cluster C personality disorders? The following guide provides information to answer the question “what are cluster C personality disorders” and also gives a brief overview of the other types of personality disorders.

What Are Cluster C Personality Disorders vs. Other Types?

First, before answering what are cluster C personality disorders, what are personality disorders in general?

Personality disorders are mental disorders characterized by unhealthy ways of thinking, behaving and functioning. They are rigid and inflexible, and it’s difficult for someone with a personality disorder to relate to other people and function in what’s seen as normal in different situations.

Personality disorders can cause significant problems across a person’s life including not only in their relationships but at work, school and social activities. With personality disorders, it can be difficult for the person who has one to realize there is an issue. It’s such an innate part of who they are, and someone with a personality disorder will often blame other people for their challenges and problems.

Personality disorders will typically start to appear when someone is in late adolescence or early adulthood and symptoms may get better as a person reaches middle age.

The following are the groupings of personality disorders, including cluster C disorders.

Cluster A Personality Disorders

Cluster A disorders are ones that are defined by behaviors viewed as odd or eccentric. The cluster A personality disorders include:

Cluster B Personality Disorders

Cluster B personality disorders are grouped together because they are characterized by dramatic or excessively emotional responses, thinking or behavior. The following are specific disorders that fall into the Cluster B category:

Cluster C Personality Disorders

Cluster C personality disorders are defined by behaviors that are primarily anxious and fearful. Specific Cluster C personality disorders are detailed below.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Someone with avoidant personality disorder is very sensitive to real or perceived criticism or rejection. They may feel inferior or inadequate, and they often avoid any activities that require interpersonal contact, and this can include work. Other features of avoidant personality disorder are:

Dependent Personality Disorder

Dependent personality disorder is characterized by an extreme dependence on other people and the need to be taken care of. Specific signs of dependent personality disorder can include:

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has some similarities to obsessive-compulsive disorder but without the intrusive thoughts. Specific things that may occur when someone has obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are:

Cluster C Personality Disorder Diagnosis

Along with wondering what are cluster C personality disorders, people tend to wonder how these personality disorders are diagnosed.

Personality disorders, in general, are more challenging to diagnose than other mental health disorders because people affected don’t know they have a disorder.

Diagnosing cluster C personality disorders often requires a doctor or mental health professional to speak with people close to the affected individual. For example, they might speak with a spouse to learn more about a person’s behavior and traits.

Once a cluster C personality disorder is diagnosed, it can be treated using a combination of psychotherapy and medication in most cases.

So, to sum up, what are cluster C personality disorders? They are a set of personality disorders that are defined by anxious and fearful behaviors.



Mayo Clinic Staff. “Personality Disorders.” Mayo Clinic. Accessed January 28, 2019.

Osborn O’Keefe, Corinne. “Cluster C Personality Disorders and Traits.” Healthline. August 17, 2018. Accessed January 28, 2019.

Schimelpfening, Nancy. “An Overview of Mixed Personality Disorder.” Verywell Mind. November 30, 2018. Accessed January 28, 2019.

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