The Truth About Inpatient Rehab Centers
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Going into inpatient rehab centers for alcohol and drug abuse treatment can be a very daunting course of action to take for someone who needs help. Of course, this depends on your perspective. Usually what you take from it is whatever you bring to it. Love the idea of it or think it’s a waste of resources, regardless of what your perspective is, it is here to stay and it has helped people.
For those suffering from some form of substance abuse, an inpatient rehab center is probably the last thing they would consider on their list. You are after all essentially trading in a large portion of your independence to regain a part of yourself that has been lost. Regardless of what program a substance abuser goes into, there are several realities of inpatient treatment and inpatient rehab centers that remain true universally.
Higher Success Rate
The most impressive and worthwhile thing about inpatient rehab is that because of all the support you have around you around the clock, there’s a much higher success rate to curbing addiction permanently. Of course, while you’re in the rehab facility you won’t have access to drugs of any kind but that’s only as long as you’re in there. Where the real magic tends to happen is when a patient then leaves the rehab facility.
Because of all the phenomenal programs and counseling you’d receive in inpatient rehab, they put you on a solid track to adjusting to life no longer needing to lean on the crutches of drugs. In a more immediate view, inpatient treatment has a higher success rate than outpatient treatment because once again, you don’t have access to drugs so you wouldn’t be able to succumb to the temptation as you would taking outpatient treatment.
The Detox
Most commonly in inpatient rehab facilities, the first major step upon arriving is the medical detox. The detox serves the purpose of giving a clean physiological slate for the inpatient officials to work with. It flushes out all the harmful chemicals and drug residue in your body. It is something that ordinarily you wouldn’t have access to on your own or during an outpatient program, at least not in the same fashion.
Help Going Through Withdrawal
One of the major influencing factors of the success of inpatient treatment in stopping drug addiction is the fact that you will 24-hour emotional and medical support during the withdrawal process. Some drugs are simply too dangerous to quit on your own because the withdrawal from those drugs can often be fatal depending on how long the body has been accustomed to those drugs being in your system.
With more powerful drug addictions that span over a longer period of time, inpatient treatment to assist with withdrawal is absolutely necessary. The officials have the tools, expertise, and care to make sure you are as safe as possible during what could be a life-threating situation to handle on your own. The process of withdrawal must be considered when deciding between inpatient and outpatient treatment.
No Distractions of Everyday Life
Inpatient rehab centers take you away from the worries of your everyday life such as school, work, and family. To some people, the thought of dropping those responsibilities is a big part of what puts them off from going into inpatient treatment. For others, that lack of responsibility is exactly what they need to get their life together. The freedom of time that inpatient treatment offers can be a pivoting point in overcoming addiction and preventing relapse.
Breathing in that air of freedom during the inpatient treatment can give the patient the opportunity to find themselves again and try to make sense of the world without the added external pressure. It is a very positive side-effect to all of the expertise and resources you would already have access to in the facility. Inpatient rehab centers give you the chance to hit a hard reset on life.
In Conclusion
This is just a small fraction of all of the realities of inpatient treatment and inpatient rehab centers and how they can positively affect the life of a substance abuser. They’re a necessary ingredient to resecuring the health and well being of an individual whose life is run by the drugs they’re addicted to. Although inpatient treatment may not be for everyone, just talk to the people who had a history of substance abuse and addiction who then went through an inpatient treatment program. From those conversations, you will see how important it is that inpatient treatment remain a well-talked about and transparent option.